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Tips For People Struggling To Lose Weight

If you are reading this post then you have most likely been struggling to lose weight and have tried the keto diet, military diet, egg diet and the list goes on, you either can’t stay committed to the diet or you gain all the weight back a few weeks after getting off the diet. If that is you, below are some tips that helped me lose 25kg.

Diet [caloric density and portion control]

This is basically how many calories are contained in a certain food. This is super important to learn because it will help you keep your calories in check, for you to lose weight you need to eat in a caloric deficit. While you are learning about caloric density, start to implement portion control.

Now, caloric density will help you know how many calories are in a certain food, and portion control will help you know how much of that food you can eat. Keeping in mind that you cut out junk from your diet, and are trying to eat more whole and nutritious foods.


For exercise, you want to do high-intensity interval training (HIIT), steady-state cardio and weight training. The good thing about the above-mentioned exercises is that you don’t have to go to the gym or have any equipment to do them. Some good ways to start is walking, running and jump rope, then you can slowly start to add more things to your regiment.


It is very important for you to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Your body needs to rest, if you don’t rest then you are going to stress, and by stress, I mean your stress hormone will go high and plateau keeping you from losing weight.


Finally, you need to drink at least 3liters of water a day. Water will not only help with cleansing your body but will also help suppress your hunger. Taking a cup of water 30 minutes before you eat will help you eat less food than you normally would. It will also help with your digestion, so take enough water.


Even as you practice the above-mentioned tips, always keep in mind that the reason why you should lose weight is for your health and not for appearance. If you learn to love yourself and be patient with yourself, you will surely lose weight, because these tips helped me keep my binge eating disorder in check. All the best, I am curious to know which diets you have tried in the comments section.

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